By Steve Pulliam

Steve Pulliam
Earned his MA and BS degrees from Columbia International University. He is the President of IntegrityWorks, LLC and HomeScape Carolina
Indian Hawthorn Leaf Spot
Indian hawthorn has been a favored choice of landscape contractors and homeowners for many years as an ornamental landscape plant. A low growing, low maintenance flowering shrub that is compact and easy to prune, the Indian hawthorn has worked well in a variety of settings as a foundation shrub, mass planting or hedge. Unfortunately, many cultivars are highly susceptible to leaf spot or blight.
Entomosporium leaf spot, caused by the fungus Entomosporium mespili is most known for its wide-spread destruction of red tips (Photinia fraseri). Many homeowners are still unaware that the same disease is very destructive to Indian hawthorns. Distinguishing characteristics of the disease in its beginning stages are numerous small bright red spots that emerge on young leaves during or right after cool rainy seasons. The spores are spread by wind and splashing water to healthy foliage. As the disease spreads, the spots grow into larger darker red to brownish blotches. Severe infections of the disease will cause significant leaf drop and eventually death.
If you suspect your Indian hawthorns are suffering from this malady or are considering alternatives to Indian Hawthorn shrubs for your landscape, please give HomeScape Carolina a call.